Tattoo aftercare
It's no good getting a tattoo if you don't give it the aftercare it deserves. Below, you will find our top 10 aftercare tips you will need when looking after your tattoo, post appointment.
1. If your tattoo is covered with second skin, leave on for at least 24 hours. When removing the second skin wash with luke warm water. If your tattoo is covered with clingfilm, leave on for at least 2 hours.
2. Only pat dry the tattoo with kitchen roll, never rub the tattoo.
3. Apply aftercare cream twice a day or whenever the tattoo is dry. We recommend Bepanthen or Yayo tattoo butter. Your tattoo should be fully healed in 2-3 weeks.
4. Do not over use creams as this will smother the tattoo & it will take longer to heal. This can also cause the tattoo to heal raised, your tattoo needs to breath.
5. Avoid washing directly with soap for one week.
6. Do not swim in the sea or swimming pools whilst your tattoo is healing. Salt water & chlorine can damage the tattoo & may cause fading, as will strong detergents.
7. Avoid using creams with antiseptic or alcohol in (e.g. savlon) as they can fade the tattoo.
8. Do not scratch or pick scabs. Gently tap the tattoo to relieve any itching.
9. Avoid wearing synthetic fabrics on your tattoo as these can cause soreness or irritation whilst the tattoo is healing.
10. When bathing do not soak the tattoo for too long. If the scab gets too soft it can come off prematurely, which will damage the tattoo. Pat dry rather than rub.
Do not hesitate to call or drop in to show us any concerns you may have whilst your tattoo is healing.
Piercing aftercare
It's really important to look after your piercings. We will always give you advice on what to do but just in case you have forgotten we have included these simple steps, below.
* Make sure you wash your hands before cleaning your new addition.
* Clean the piercing twice a day for 2 weeks, once in the morning and once at night.
* Use Neilmed solution with a sterile gauze pad or a sterile cotton tip applicator to remove any crust or build up around the piercing.
* Make sure you dry the piercing after you clean it.
* Do not spin or twist the jewellery.
* Come back after two week for a jewellery downsize (this is very important).
If any piercing bumps should appear, please contact the studio or pop in so we can advise you on the next steps.
Tattoo removal aftercare
Pre and Post Treatment Care
Information following laser treatment for tattoo removal
Normal reactions:
* During treatment the skin goes white because microscopic steam bubbles are produced in the skin. This is called frosting and fades after 2-3 hours with the Nd: Yag laser.
* During & after treatment the skin may appear red and swollen over the treated & surrounding area. This will subside after 2-3 hours. An Aloe Vera dressing will be applied immediately after your treatment. You will follow this regime at home for several days.
* After treatment blistering may occur.
* Blistering may persist for a few days following treatment.
* A little punctuate bleeding may occur.
* Occasionally some people will experience aching in the muscle beneath the treated area. This may be due to slight bruising (the limbs feel heavy).
* Irritation may occur as the area heals. Use plenty of Aloe Vera to keep the skin moist & encourage healing.
* During the weeks/months between treatments the treated area is more susceptible to string sunlight, which may cause burning. You must wear High Factor SPF protection when the area is exposed to daylight.
* Prior to treatment you may take your normal pain relief, (such as paracetamol) one hour before treatment. DO NOT TAKE ASPRIN OR NUROFEN AS THIS CAN CAUSE MORE BRUISING.
Instructions for the care of the skin:
* Re-moisture the skin as often as you wish but at least twice per day with Aloe Vera, this helps with healing & soothing the irritation.
* If you experience muscle aching as a result of treatment it can be relieved with a mild painkiller such as paracetamol. (Only use medication you have use previously).
* Protect your skin from sunlight by using a SPF 30+ sun block now & for at least 6 months following your last treatment.
Do not:
* Burst any blisters as the area may become infected.
* Scratch or rub the area as this will delay healing & could casue scarring.
* Use a sun bed.
* Use perfumed soaps or creams.
Tooth gem aftercare
* Don't touch or play excessively with your gem, it may feel like something foriegn in your mouth at first but that feeling with subside.
* Don't eat for 2 hours after application, for the next 12 hours, it's advised that you eat softer food on opposite side of mouth. Long term, how you eat is how you will look after your gem.
* You may drink, kiss & smoke immediately after.
* Don't brush your teeth for 12 hours & use a soft bristled toothbrush to help your gems last as long as possible.
* The same way saffron rich food, red wine or cigarettes can stain your teeth, they can also stain the dental bond, ensure you keep up with regular oral hygiene.
* Our adhesive is dental grade, the same used to apply braces. If you lose a gem, please ask your dentist to remove the bond before reapplication if any is still intact with the tooth.
* Tooth gems are completely reversible & can be removed at your dentist with a simple scale & polish, don't remove yourself. For a crystal to last as long as possible, you must be mindful.